‘Early child birth ’ll ensure healthy baby’.

Mothers have been advised to give birth at an early age to ensure a healthy baby.
A paediatrician at Motayo Specialist Hospital, Ikeja, a private health facility, Dr Chinenye Ananti, said women, who deliver at 35 years and above may be vulnerable to having babies with Down’s syndrome (DS).
According to her, older women are at a higher risk of giving birth to DS babies than women below 35 years because age is a factor. “The chances are as high as one in 30 births for women at 35 and above and one in 350 births for women below 35,” she said.
She continued: “Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder that is associated with maternal age, which can be diagnosed at child birth. Early treatment may reduce other problems, which may occur as the child grows older.
“In cases of DS there is an extra chromosome called trixono chromosome found at the 21st position of chromosomes found in the body and can be diagnosed prenatally or after birth.”
According to her, there are 36 chromosomes found in the human body. “They are always found in pairs, but at the 21st position, three chromosomes are found called trioxo chromosome or trixon 21,” Dr Ananti said.
Most babies born with DS, she said, usually have a hole in the heart, adding that this is one of the problems they have.
“Majority of them also come down with congenital heart problems. They also have problem with their sight,” she said.
Growth problems, she said, is also part of what they experience. “Their development process is slow unlike typical children. For instance, if a typical child starts walking at age one, it may take a child with Down syndrome two to three years to walk,” she said.
The paediatrician said babies with the condition are faced with intellectual disability, saying it is difficult for them to reason very well.
“Sometimes, they get excited unnecessarily. They also have leukaemia, delayed milestone and low intelligence quotient (IQ),” she said, adding that no DS male has ever been known to father a child, but their females counterparts give birth. “However, they do not usually have too many children because they have fertility problems,” she added.
Ananti said the governments at all levels are already creating awareness about the condition’s existence.
The future, she said, is bright for children with DS because there is a society in Nigeria for people ailed by the condition, adding that DS clients of various ages link with one another.
The specialist said life expectancy for persons with the condition was short in the past, but recently they living up to 50 years.
She said once a baby is born and diagnosed with DS, it should undergo some tests, adding that the problem should be corrected to avoid recurrence.
“Many problems will come up as the child grows older. So, they can be managed while he or she is still very little,” Ananti said.
She urged parents to manage the disorder by following the instructions of healthcare providers. “It is a medical condition that is diagnosed at child birth. It is not a child killer disease, but it can lead to death if not well managed,” Ananti said.

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