FEBRUARY 3,2016.
My Dear people of Ondo State,
It is indeed with a profound sense of gratitude to God
Almighty that I address you today in commemoration of the
40th anniversary of the creation of Ondo State. Let me
congratulate all Ondo State indigenes for being worthy
partakers of a heritage of honour, hard work and self-
assuredness, these are, the legacy and attributes bequeathed
to us through our nativity in this state.
The area historically known as Ondo Province constituted a
geographically contiguous territory bounded in the north by
the old Kwara State, in the east by the former Midwest State,
in the south by the Atlantic seaboard and in the west by the
Oyo and Ijebu provinces. During the colonial era, the territory
which was created as Ondo State was administered as one
Province under a Residency with the administrative
headquarters at Akure.
The post-independence tripodal structure of Nigeria, which
consisted of the Northern, Eastern and Western Regional
governments, fuelled suspicions of marginalization in the
minority tribes and induced fears of domination which
invariably, led to a civil war in 1967 soon after Nigerias
second military coup of July 1966.Since the twelve-state
structure of Nigeria, worked out by the Gowon administration
on the May 27, 1967, failed to allay the fears of ethnic
domination and re-structure the country, the succeeding Gen.
Murtala Mohammed military government, on the basis of the
Justice Ayo Irikefe Panels recommendations, further divided
the Western State into Ogun, Oyo and Ondo States on
February 3, 1976.
I do not think there is any better way to capture the historical
essence of our 40-year old journey than to start by paying
tributes to our leaders, past and present, whose serial
exertions, agitation and movement led to the creation of Ondo
On behalf of the people of Ondo State, I salute the courage,
industry, steadfastness and commitment of members of the
Ondo Provincial Movement, under the Chairmanship of late
Chief G.B.A Akinyede and the Secretary, late Mr. Deji
This was the organisation to which ten representatives from
the administrative divisions were nominated to pursue the
creation of Ondo State. The group had its maiden meeting on
the grounds of Omolere Nursery/Primary School in Akure on
November 11, 1973 and thereafter, worked tirelessly to
mobilise resources and galvanise the people of the old Ondo
Province until the State was created on February 3, 1976.I
acknowledge the efforts of many of them that had passed on
to the great beyond and wish them eternal rest.
Let me also appreciate some of them who are still alive. They
are: Oba S.K.A Adedoyin, the Owa Ale of Ikare, Chief Reuben
Fasoranti, Prince Olu Adeyemi, Bashorun Seinde Arogbofa,
Chief Blessing Kayode, Professor David Ijalaye and Mr. R.A
Olagunju. May the good Lord continue to keep them in good
health and soundmind. Also, we should acknowledge the
invaluable contributions of Chief Olu Falae,Prince F.I
Adesanoye, (then Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of
Defence and later the Osemawe of Ondo), late General Alfred
Aduloju, late Lt. Akintunde Akinsehinwa (ADC to late General
Murtala Mohammed), late Chief Olu Akinfosile and late Chief
Akin Deko.
The core dream of our founding fathers was to ensure that
Ondo State achieve a development trajectory that would be in
consonance with the states vast human and natural
resources within a federal system of government. Our
founding fathers wanted to bring development nearer to the
Before the Oil Boom of the 1970s, Ondo Province had
consistently contributed enormously to the economy of the
now defunct Western State. Archival records show that of
Cocoa, we produced 48.3% in 1969/70, 49.1% in 1970/71,
and 47.3% in 1971/72. Of Palm Oil, we produced 68.1% in
1968, 78.3% in 1970, and 57.4% in 1971. Of Timber, we
produced 67.7% in 1967, 44.3% in 1968 and 61.9% in 1969.
However at the point of creation, not much could be pointed to
as evidence of infrastructural intervention by successive
governments of the defunct Western State despite the
immense contributions of the Ondo Province. In any case, the
viability of Ondo State has never been in doubt.
The beginning of Ondo State, particularly in the setting up of
its PublicService and governmental structure, was like any
other beginning -that is, lacking in most of the basic
essentials of administrative take-off.In fact, personnel from
Ibadan, the erstwhile capital of the defunct Western State,
were deployed to give Ondo State, its base of administrative
However, from being an agglomeration of single-digit
ministries at its creation in 1976 whose rented offices were
scattered all over Akure, Ondo, Ado-Ekiti and other towns
under the pioneer Governor, Wing Commander Ita David
Ikpeme, Ondo State Government has metamorphosed into a
much bigger institution 22 Ministries, 24 Agencies, several
Commissions with the attendant explosion in staff and
personnel. From a modest beginning at Oke-Eda, Akure,
which served as the seat of government, the pioneer
administration of David Ikpeme, commenced, in 1978, the
construction of the state Secretariat at Alagbaka.
Not only this, indigenes of the newly created Ondo State who
were hitherto civil servants in different parts of the Western
Region, relocated to the state, to form the bulk of the
workforce in the states public service. We therefore,
acknowledge the ingenuity of the pioneer technocrats who
quickly established governance structures in borrowed school
buildings, houses and make-shift structures. Several of them
shuttled daily from other towns like Owo, Ondo, Ikere and so
on to their offices.
We pay glowing tributes to the pioneer Secretary to the
Military Government and Head of Service, Chief Theophilus
Iwajomo and his successor, Chief E.A Emuleomo (both of
blessed memory) for their efforts and initiatives at laying a
solid foundation for the Ondo State Public Service. We also
appreciate the crop of Permanent Secretaries and Public
Servants that relocated from Ibadan as well as those that
joined the service at that early stage for their sacrifices and
The civil populace was accommodating making several
sacrifices and calmly bearing the dislocation and demolition of
structures that were required in order to build a modern state.
The artisans, market women, taxi drivers, farmers, everyone
played memorable roles at the formative stages of the state.
So also, do we appreciate our traditional institutions and
religious leaders who galvanized their people to rally round
government at that critical time.
In the intervening 40 years since the creation of our dear
State, we have had a chequered history of governance having
been ruled by 11 military officers out of the 16 governors to
have presided over the affairs of the state. Be that as it may,
military governance of the state only accounts for roughly 16
years while the regimes of the 5 democratically elected
governors made up the remaining 24 years of our history. In
addition to the deficit in democratic dividends caused by the
inappropriateness of military incursion into civilian
governance, the excessive turn-over in the number of military
governors caused a lot of policy inconsistencies which were
disruptive of long-term planning and development.
Nevertheless, rapid socio-economic development was soon to
follow the State creation as successive administrations
emplaced the needed infrastructure and social amenities,
improved agriculture, developed education and health
services, established Mass Media outlets, added value to the
Public Service and among other things, created employment
and strived to industrialise the state. Thereafter, commercial
activities took root and began to thrive. The magnetic allure of
our resource potentials especially in rock based minerals, Oil
and Gas, Tourism as well as human resources continued to
increase as more and more people flooded Ondo State, thus,
beginning our journey from a Province to A Place of Pride.
On October 1, 1996, Ekiti State was carved out of the old
Ondo State thus giving birth to a new Ondo State with 18
Local Government Areas.
To the glory of God, the State has continued to boast of
numerous sons and daughters that have excelled in their
various fields of human endeavours namely: Medicine, Politics,
Military, Entertainment, Sports, Bureaucracy, Human Rights
Activism, Law, Academics, Oil and Gas, Business, Journalism,
Information Technology, e.t.c. Ondo State and its citizens
have in no small measure contributed to National
For example, looking at the winners of the National Merit
Awards, one can say with pride that out of 60 Award winners
since the inception of that award, 11 Ondo State indigenes
have been recipients. This award is perhaps one of the
awards that have not been politicised in Nigeria, it is based
on merit.
As at today, Professor Sylvester Adegoke, Professor Ifedayo
Oladapo, Dr. Soji Oluwole, Professor Abiodun Francis Oluwole,
Professor Ladipo Akinkugbe, Dr. Akinola Aguda, Professor
Tolu Odugbemi, Professor Jacob Olupona, Dr. Ebenezer
Meshida, Professor (Mrs) Paulina Adebusoye and Professor
Ladipo Adamolekun, all proud indigenes of Ondo State have
received the National Merit Award. It is therefore evident that
in terms of quality manpower development for Nigeria, our
dear State tops the rank.
Similarly, the state has played crucial roles especially in the
areas of Education and Democratic development. It is on
record that we provided a veritable platform for the launch
and spread of Free Education in the Western Region thus
helping to establish the easiest window to escape from
poverty not only to the Yoruba race but the entire landscape
of Nigeria. Ondo State is also well known for supporting
progressive ideals at all times as the state has forever
remained the haven or better still, the de facto home of
progressive groups that championed the re-instatement of
democracy in Nigeria; namely Afenifere and NADECO.
The economy of Ondo State one of the fairly large ones in
the country is complemented by many kilometres of coastal
line. Basically agrarian, it is well known for large scale
production of food and cash crop. The State has intensified
efforts to catalyse industrial resurgence by building a 30
Megawatts Independent Power Plant which is nearing
completion. This is to improve power supply substantially to
industrial and commercial initiatives and propel anticipated
economic activities to unprecedented level in the coming
In Nigeria, Ondo State has a high number of well-structured
public Schools including four state-owned tertiary institutions.
Noteworthy is the construction of world class Mega Primary
Schools across the three Senatorial Districts. Our State
Polytechnic ranks among the best in Nigeria both in terms of
academic performance and infrastructure. Similarly, one of
our State Universities, the Adekunle Ajasin University,
Akungba-Akoko has been severally adjudged as the best
State University in Nigeria. Also, the Ondo State University of
Science and Technology, Okitipupa is widely celebrated for its
entrepreneurial programmes. Recently, we established a
University of Medical Sciences in Ondo, the first in the history
of Nigeria and one of the best in terms of the ratio of students
to available medical facility.
The present Administration has kept faith with the promise to
work for the people of Ondo State.
Today, Ondo State is not only a global benchmark in a couple
of initiatives, the diligent and sincere implementation of our
programmes has attracted the commendation of statesmen
throughout the nation even across political divides, and
elicited public acknowledgement of our modest achievements.
Some of these initiatives include, but not limited to, the Abiye
Safe Motherhood Programme, Mother and Child Hospitals,
Trauma & Surgical Centre, Kidney Care Centre, Urban
Renewal Programme, modern neighbourhood markets, the
ultra-modern Automart, Water supply schemes, Housing
Estates, School Free Shuttle Scheme and the emplacement of
over 600 community-driven projects e.t.c. The State now has
an International Event Centre otherwise known as The Dome
which is fast becoming the cynosure of all eyes.
I wish to salute all my illustrious predecessors namely: Ita
David Ikpeme, Esijolomi Tuoyo, Adekunle Ajasin, Bamidele
Otiko, Mike Akhigbe, Ekundayo Opaleye, Olabode George,
Abiodun Olukoya, Bamidele Olumilua, Mike Torey, Ahmed
Usman, Anthony Onyearugbulem, Moses Fasanya, Adebayo
Adefarati and Olusegun Agagu for a job truly well done. They
built an enduring legacy and left a burning and bright torch
that I am proud to hold aloft.
Given the vicissitude of fortunes that Ondo State has
witnessed in its 40-year existence so far, I believe, like many
indigenes of the state, that we have done well. We have not
only benchmarked programmes and projects for other states
in the health sector, urban renewal, education, wealth creation
and other sectors we have, succeeded in making Ondo State
an unfolding destination of choice for entertainment and
medical tourism. We have emplaced programmes and
instituted policies that the future generation will applaud and
we have laid an irreversible path to progress in Ondo State.
With all sense of humility, you are witnesses to the fact that
we have recorded a lot of changes since forty years ago and
that together, we have posted great accomplishments.
Therefore as we regard the past with nostalgia and a sense of
accomplishment, we must look forward to the future and the
challenges it brings with hope, enthusiasm and the
expectation that the future will be brighter and more fulfilling.
Notwithstanding the current challenges confronting our
country, such as falling oil price, high unemployment rate,
infrastructural deficit; we must never give in to despondency
or fault finding. Instead, we must re-invent our resilience,
industry, innovativeness and ingenuity in order to overcome
the prevailing challenges and build a richer and better future.
It is the bounden duty of this generation of Ondo State
indigenes and residents to bequeath to future generations, a
society that works and thrives; a society that compares
favourably with its contemporary communities across the
My good people of Ondo State, I identify with you in this
period of relative hardship occasioned by a dip in our national
economy; I empathize with you on some of the privations of
life caused by irregularities in salaries and delays in
emoluments and I am aware of the causal linkage to the
states economy.
Rather than a feeling of despondency, I exhort every one of us
to have an unshaking confidence in Gods benevolence and be
sure that the sacrifice of today will herald a better tomorrow.
Let us continue to dream big. Let us continue to work with
imagination and creativity. Our future is assured but the work
must continue.
Like I said at my Second Inaugural address to you on the
24th of February 2013: "that our job is not finished until
every child has access to quality education in a 21st century
environment that is deliberately-structured to bridge the
global digital divide and take our children to the cyberspace
where information and knowledge now truly reside;
until our people have unfettered access to affordable quality
health care services especially the vulnerable group: pregnant
women, infants and the aged;
until there is food security in every home and that every
child is guaranteed access to nutritious food for maximum
development of their inherent cerebral power;
until every youth is usefully engaged and able to generate
wealth for self-fulfilment and the collective good of our
until we are able to leverage on our God-given resources to
create a conducive atmosphere for businesses and industries
to thrive;
until our cities, suburban communities and villages are well
organized, clean and functional, making them conducive to
optimal work and play and that our sandy shores become
true tourist havens; and,
until Nigeria, our dear country, becomes a secure and
developed member of the global community along the
principles and practice of true federalism.
My sincere appeal to all and sundry is to join hands with us
to sustain our efforts at building a place of pride.
I wish you all happy 40th anniversary.
FEB. 3, 2016

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